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E-Gyankosh Book : Teaching Aptitude for UGC NET Paper 1

Teaching is a familiar term to all of us. Although the term is generally associated with the schooling process, but one can find the act of teaching in many places. In the family, parents teach children many things about good habits right from the childhood. In the neighborhood, elders teach children many things related to community living. In schools, teachers teach students not only different subjects, but also many things which are essential to be good citizens and lead a productive social life. Teaching taking place in family and neighborhood may not be organized, whereas teaching provided in schools is well organized with pre-determined objectives. As a teacher, you may be engaged in organizing many activities which take place within and outside the classroom. Inside the class you may be delivering lectures, giving demonstrations, explaining concepts, conducting experiments, narrating stories, reciting poems, conducting role-plays, etc. Similarly, outside the classroom, you may be taking students for field works, organizing sports activities, organizing exhibitions, etc

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